Auto Insurance Questions


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I am very frustrated. So basically I want to move from Geico because apparently my rate went up from filing 3 claims for my previous Hyundai getting broken into and for having 1 accident (I hit the side of the rental car coming out of the parking garage).

I'm calling around and I already got denied from progressive bc of the 3 claims, EVEN THOUGH I was not at fault for any of those?? And I wasn't even asked about them on my online application? Either way I quoted 311 before my app was denied. I called Geico after getting an initial quote to see if I could get accident forgiveness. Apparently I have to be accident free for at least 5 years and I was told by someone at Geico months before to try to call and ask for accident forgivness. But apparently not? I would need to basically wait ANOTHER 5 years before that is gone from my record. My next insurance premium is coming in w Geico at 339.

What should I do to find a better quote? Or at least get it to go down? I've moved on from the Hyundai and got a 2020 Rav4 XLE. I've already put in apps for other places for a quote but since it is the weekend I wont hear back from many until later. I live in Dallas TX currently btw. I am just tired of hearing after every 6 months , besides the previous 6 where I went through my nightmare w my Hyundai getting broken into, that my rate is going up mainly bc "accidents cost more". I dont get it!!

I would love some insight or tea on what would really help in the long run at least :/ TIA
@lollypopno1 You're stuck with GEICO until more than a couple of those claims age past at least three years, and maybe five. Nobody's going to touch you with a barge pole with that claims/accident history.
@lollypopno1 I disagree about not making claims for break-ins. Insurance is there to cover you for sudden and unexpected losses. Your Hyundai was broken into and I doubt you had anyway to anticipate the cost of the repairs.

I once dealt with a claim where the customer's vehicle was broken into, but the thieves damaged the steering column wiring too badly to drive it off. So one of them urinated into the customer's vehicle. I wouldn't have believed it until I saw the parking lot camera footage, presented at the thieves' trial.
@mrunknown If it's a $400 or $500 broken window. Just eat it and save your insurance. You should have at least your deductible saved, but probably $2500 - $5000 is the standard. Insurance is there for unexpected/catastrophic loss. A broken window is unexpected yes, but not catastrophic. If the completely destroy the inside or mess up a major system making your car inoperable, then yeah catastrophic.

You should have to access money for minor repairs and expenses. So if you use insurance for everything, they'll price that in on your plan or drop you if it's not feasible. But yeah he's stuck because he didn't repair his break in damage, which was probably minor if you had it happen 3 times in less than a year. If it was three serious incidents, then he needs to start parking in a different/secured place, or out of town and ride a bus into work the rest of the way.
@lollypopno1 I think your best move is to not move until your driving/claims history improves. I was declined last month be Progressive for "excessive claims". I have 2 comprehensive glass claims which were divided into 4 separate claims with 4 separate claim numbers, because each claim required tint which was done on a different day at a different shop. Generally, 2 glass claims would not be of concern, but we are in a brave, new insurance world. No amount of reasoning with Progressive has been productive, so I'll move on.
@lollypopno1 Understanding your frustration with insurance rate increases and the challenge of finding a new provider after multiple claims is key. Here are some steps and considerations that might help you find a better quote or reduce your premiums.

Continue reaching out to other insurance companies Each insurer has its own formula for calculating premiums, and some may be more lenient with your driving history than others. Since you've already started this process, using online comparison tools can speed it up.

Consider working with an insurance broker Brokers have access to multiple insurance companies and can often find a better deal for you, considering your specific situation. here are a few suggestions to ask the broker about or look into on your own.

check out quotes with your broker for these companies, or call them directly if that’s their way of doing business.

Texas Farm Bureau
State Farm
Auto Club of SoCal (AAA)
National General

Ask about discounts you may qualify for Many insurance companies offer discounts for various reasons, such as safe driving records, bundling multiple policies (auto, home, renters), defensive driving courses, good student discounts, or having a vehicle with advanced safety features like your 2020 Rav4 XLE.

Opting for a higher deductible can lower your premium This means you'll pay more out of pocket in the event of a claim, but it can significantly reduce your monthly costs.

Make sure you're not over-insured Review your policy to ensure that your coverage levels are appropriate for your needs. Sometimes, reducing coverage on older vehicles can lower premiums.

In many states, insurers use your credit score as a factor in determining your premium Improving your credit score can lead to lower rates.

Some insurers offer usage-based insurance programs that track your driving habits and can offer discounts for safe driving Given that you're moving on to a newer, presumably safer vehicle, this could work in your favor.

If you continue to have trouble finding insurance, contact the Texas Department of Insurance They can provide resources and sometimes assist in finding coverage.

Sometimes, smaller, local, or regional insurers offer competitive rates compared to the big names.

Remember, your current situation, while frustrating, isn't permanent As time goes on without new claims or accidents, your premiums should start to decrease. Also, maintaining a clean driving record going forward will be key to lowering your rates in the future. Lastly, given your location in Dallas, TX, it's worth noting that rates can be higher in urban areas due to higher risks of accidents, theft, and vandalism, but shopping around as you're doing is the best strategy to find a more affordable rate.
@lollypopno1 I'll give you the same advice I've told others on this subreddit: Check online for a state-approved defensive driver's course, and take that. It helps apply a discount in some states, if you pass a course like that. Also, consider installing a device from the insurance company to monitor your driving habits. I know Progressive, State Farm, and USAA (to name a few) offer such devices to track your driving habits and help reduce your rates over time.

However, these are not magical fixes. Texas (as a whole state) ranks second nationally in terms of likelihood of car theft. Dallas, according to, ranks second in likelihood of fatal car crashes. Based only on where you live, you will see higher rates for comprehensive and collision coverage quotes. Your prior history of theft claims is just fuel to the fire.

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