Auto Insurance - Loss of Use

My insurance company claims that loss of use coverage only lasts until the amount of a settlement is decided, not until the settlement is actually paid. I just had a total loss accident and they've taken forever to cut a cheque. Meanwhile, I have a bill oustanding to a rental car company for what they didn't cover and I don't have any car currently at all. I have filed a complaint with the General Insurance Ombudservice. This may be one of those things that is ridiculous, but legal. I don't know. I don't intend to let it rest on their word without checking into it, however. Does anyone else have experience with loss of use?
@christrestoredme If it’s a total loss accident, you’ll still be paying a premium as your insurance is still being used for the rental. Once the rental is returned, the vehicle is removed from your insurance. Usually there’s a specified amount (usually 1500) that your loss of use covers. Outside of that, I’m not really sure what to tell you, this is what should have happened
@lupacexi Right. The limit was 3000. I know they got nowhere near the limit. They just picked an arbitrary moment where they decided what the settlement number was and on that day chose to stop paying rental coverage because that's "Their policy" If I could make up whatever policy I wanted on when I pay my bills, I'd be a very happy person!

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