Auto Insurance + Going Abroad for 2-3 years w/ no car

Currently I live/work in the U.S. but will be shortly moving to Europe for work for about 2-3 years. While I am in Europe I will be using public transportation and will not have a car.

I've read that if I let my car insurance lapse, upon my return to the U.S. I will see very high premiums. Will a non-owners policy be viewed as being continually insured? Am I allowed to have a policy even though I am not residing in the U.S.? I am planning to come back to the U.S - 2-3x a year for short stints (week at a time).

I am a Georgia resident, currently renting, no access to USAA.
@christinaofthedove Good question man. NNO policy will have bi limits and should be looked at as continuously insured the whole time, even if you don't have a car. (can confirm but can't disclose which carrier)
Depending on the policy language of that company, no coverage should apply overseas.
NNO policies are pretty cheap.
Some carriers rate heavily on your prior insurance history and some don't. Other important things are your age, driving history and insurance score!

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