Auto insurance accident question


New member
So on 10/02, i was backing out of a parking spot, after making sure i had right of way, and a car coming from a far tried to speed up to beat me(?) before i could pull out all the way. Anyways he did manage to hit just the tip of the back of my car cause scuffs on my car and his. Was hesitant to give me his insurance but insisted i give him mines asap. My car insurance has been expired since August. But i still handed it over so he could have my information. (He didnt know mines was expired bc i didn’t show the date) He then handed me an expired(also expired Aug. lol) but w a female name under the policy name. Definitely not HIS name. Police didnt want to come and said exchanging info was enough. The insurance company is now trying to reach out to me . Obviously i knew i cant do anything since mines is expired but he also handed me an insurance policy that he clearly was not covered under and was also expired. How should i handle this? I have accepted the L but im confused since thats not his insurance policy. And yes i have got insurance now lol
@married6242017 Not necessarily... most cards only list the named insured. There could be other drivers on it. In most states insurance follows the car, so he may not even need to be listed to be covered in an accident.

Either way if you are found ar fault no one of the other stuff matters.
@resjudicata Well it wasnt too bad. You can just tell it was his car who scratched my car. It was literally only scuff marks left no dents or serious damage, do you think they could still make me pay a ton of money ?
@richgardner He saw me pulling out from a far distance and literally pressed the gas but good thing i breaked fast enough to cause very minimal damage. It was on the right side of car only scuff marks no bents or dents in either car.
@married6242017 Backing holds the greater duty for entering the roadway. Prove he was speeding? Dash cam? If no you’re probably majority at fault if not 100% at fault. Your insurance is to protect you and you can’t force the other insurance to repair your car or accept liability. Having no insurance on your car means no back up plan for your car in this scenario if they deny liability
@married6242017 Insurance follows the vehicle so unless he is excluded from the policy they would have applicable coverage. What I’m trying to say is that most likely the other insurance found you at fault. Backing holds the greater duty so majority of fault if not all is almost always on the backing car unless proof says otherwise. Nearly every single backing person I speak to says the other car was speeding. Unless you can prove it, it’s irrelevant information. If you don’t have coverage with your policy you are at the other insurances mercy for their liability decision
@coolguy123 Thank you for explaining that to me . I understand now :) im not really pressed about them giving me money cause they literally only scuffed my car no damage. Do you think theyll make me pay his whole car ? Even tho I really didnt even cause any damage?

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