Auto: Do you think my premium go up if I report this claim?


New member
I did call my insurance company (GEICO) and was told that there was no way to know if my premium would increase until 30 days prior to my next renewal.

Important things: Yes, it was my fault. Yes, I feel like an absolute ass!

About me: 48/F. State = NV. Clean driving record. I've been with GEICO for 10+ years and currently have one auto and one renters policy with them. I've not made any claims in this time.

Solo vehicle incident. I was in a convenience store parking area and struck a non-moving hazard, which would fall under my collision insurance. My deductible is $500. I'll need a new fender (or repair) and there's something awry with my heater/AC fan after the incident.

I'm requesting opinions on whether or not this an event that would trigger a premium increase if I submitted it to my insurance.
@davelew86 Thank you for sharing your insight! The good news (I hope!) is that I didn't actually file a claim. I called and asked what they thought about the premium, but didn't actually file anything.
@iamjewest85 Sorry I don't have better news for you. When you call into a call center to ask questions like this, those folks immediately open a claim. It's one of those things you sacrifice when you DIY your coverage instead of using an agent.

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