At Fault/insurance rate increase amount

My daughter has 2014 MDX. She parked the car outside the house and ran inside for a quick errand that was to take 3-5 minutes. During this time the “boyfriend” decided to play a prank and park the car around the corner. When he got in the car and pulled away he hit a car that was going down the street. Damages to our car were ~$4400 and the other car ~$5k.

The boyfriend was not an authorized driver but we can’t seem to say he stole the car to get it placed “at fault”. Not a smart idea but we don’t want something like that on his record.

The boyfriend’s father said he will pay for all the damages however because it is at fault we can’t pay for the other car directly.

If we pay the insurance company back all the damages we are told that our insurance rates will increase anyway.

A. If we zero out the claim how much will the insurance rates go up?
B. If they go up, do they go up on all our cars? We have 7 on our policy?
C. The police report has it listed as our daughters car. She is 16. Will this at fault accident follow her or all of us? We are a blended family of 7.
D. Is it even worth trying to zero out the claim as the insurance rates are going to increase anyway?
Our insurance agent can’t tell us what the amount of the increase will be. We are trying to work with the boyfriends father to minimize the impact to everyone involved.
@immortalampharos You can withdraw the claim and bf dad can pay for everything out of pocket rather than use your insurance but if a claim has already been filed its on the record as permissive use at fault as accident for 3 to 7 years depending on company an state regs. Any rate increase, if any, will be handled differently with each company. No one here could tell you how that would go with multiple cars in the household or if it will affect your rates or not it by how much. We simply don't have access to the necessary info.
@mlshelton1975 Much appreciated. We were planning on having the BF dad pay out of pocket but the other car insurance agency called ours to notify them of the accident. Otherwise we would’ve definitely preferred that route. His car was a lease and apparently they were required to report it. Thanks for the help

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