At fault driver’s insurance trying to screw me over - First Chicago Insurance


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Some guy plowed into the right back side of my car in December. Finally got it into the body shop in April.. That same week the body shop submitted a supplement to the third party claims website (as instructed).
4/21 - I emailed the contact at First Chicago because no update
4/22 - she calls acknowledging claim and says she’ll push through management review by EOD
4/25 - still hearing nothing I email again for an update…. She’s out of office until 5/2

Meanwhile body shop guy gets ahold of someone different… they go back and forth on claim and as of 5/13 were still fighting on a remaining $2k. So I email again and ask why they can’t send a physical person to look at car and talk to to body shop. Which at that point they did. Came to an agreement last week and got that approved.

However, I had a rental car this whole time. I turned it in on 5/13 because I was on vacation for a week. Now that I’m back and the car isn’t done, I need another one. But they’re trying to claim they’re only covering 16 days of a rental car because that’s the “reasonable estimate” to fix. And the lady is trying to claim the second supplement was submitted last week when I have emails in April where she acknowledged the second supplement. The fact that the car sat for 3 extra weeks is their negligence. Any advice on how to handle? I’ve had to manage this whole process. They definitely haven’t acted in good faith and I plan to speak with a lawyer.
@alangeh As an adjuster I hate saying “escalate to a supervisor” but seems like it needs to be done here. The estimate may have been reasonable, but the insurance companies turnaround time was not. Get contact email for a super and email those receipts

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