At fault accident in parking lot am i screwed for insurance??


New member
i’m 19 F and just got into my very first accident. I hit a parked car trying to park into a tight spot. Damage to car i hit isn’t major but they will most likely need to replace bumper as it it dent and scratched. i only set up policy a couple days ago as i just my used car, was driving my parents car prior. Clean record for a year, still only on g2 however. I’m a new driver, obviously so i’m worried because of my inexperience i will suffer from extremely high premiums. Does anyone have any idea how bad my insurance will be? I’m only paying 200 a month, would expecting an extra 100 a month reasonable or should i expect to pay more?
@mlshelton1975 i know! i was just trying to possibly get some peace of mind regarding my insurance, just wondering if anyone out there would have any idea on what i should expect. i was wondering if anyone knew because it’s a small parking lot accident if in general it wouldn’t affect insurance as much as an traffic accident would!
@phamnga25 It's hard to say, what state or country are you in and are you on the policy yourself or are you on your parents policy?

Not knowing what your finance are, but you may want to see if we can pay for the repairs out of your pocket and not go through the insurance
@jon1234 thanks for the reply! it’s my own policy i just set it up a few days ago. i was wondering if the fact it’s a parking lot accident will help with premiums as there’s no injury involved or traffic violations. it was purely and accident with miscalculation of distance on my part. or are all accidents looked at with the same eyes?
@phamnga25 Since there's no ticket or accident involved, I would guess it would depend on how much the damage is and how much the insurance company has to pay. Now. I don't work in the insurance industry so maybe somebody that does well clarify. It also depends on like I said where you are located and who's your insurer?
@phamnga25 Ultimately jeffin is right. If this was reported to your insurer on such a new policy the odds of accident forgiveness is low, but if you can come to an agreement with the other party to pay for the damages out of pocket then you insurance will never know. Just make sure to get receipts from the other guy so he can't turn around and try to sue or anything
@phamnga25 Was the other driver there? Did you leave a note? Did you take pictures of the damage? How bad was it really?

There's no way to tell how this will affect your insurance, unfortunately. There are just too many variables. If it's truly minor damage, the other driver might not even bother with it. You just never know. I have a minivan and I've been dinged in parking lots twice in the last fifteen years, and I didn't bother filing a claim either time. Then again there was that guy in here last month whose elderly mom tapped her door into the handle of a Tesla and THAT car's owner filed a claim, so who knows.

Hang in there. I hope it works out for you, kiddo.
@phamnga25 If you were driving your parents vehicle it would go under their Insurance. Insurance follows the vehicle not the driver.

Mentioning a G2 driver not all areas have that. If you are in Ontario that does you would contact your parent’s insurance. Ontario insurance is different from most other area. Look up DCPD for info.
@phamnga25 If it’s under $2000 in damage and you choose to pay for the damage out of pocket it will be considered a minor accident under Ontario’s rules and won’t be chargeable if you’ve had no other accidents in the last 3 years.

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