As a sales agent, Which specialties are most enjoyable for you?


New member
In your experience, which has been most enjoyable for you? Also curious which ones have been most profitable to least profitable?
P&C, Health, Life, personal lines, etc.

I’m looking to purchase my pre licensing course soon but not sure which one I should choose (I can afford to purchase 2 programs) I live & work in the USA

Thanks 🙏😁
@historia not health unless you want to do only health and deal with a lot of dumb people. Especially older people because they are the ones not on company health plans. UNLESS you are doing group plans but that's hard to start out in and most people with no experience fail out of the industry.

Personal Lines is just part of P&C

Life insurance isn't my thing personally. But the commission on it is probably the best out of all lines of business and simplest unless your gonna be doing variable stuff.
@historia I know a lot of people start off doing P&C and specifically personal lines to kind of get the lay of the land and then move into commercial later.

The other route is Life insurance. Really not too complicated of a game i just hate the conversations and a lot of agents use hard sell tactics in life and that's just not my game. I'll do buy/sell and stuff for my commercial guys and make sure their spouses are set up but it's not something i market.

Its basically impossible to do health & P&C together bc health is specialized now although some of the P&C companies will still do LTD and Medicaid supplements but that's basically it.

My most profitable is definitely P&C but that's my main(really only) focus. Like i said i'll get some life stuff if it's within my process of writing commercial or a new home buy or something. otherwise there is another agent in my office that really enjoys life (she had cancer as a young mother and is now uninsurable so she's a huge believer in it and has a great story) so i let her handle that for the agency.

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