[Arkansas] PUA account locked, is this normal S.O.P.?


New member
Just became available to certify for past 5 weeks, certified, submitted ID thru the email request, trying to log in today and I get this account locked message then I see this advisement about locked accounts. So I'm assuming all is well and it's just the normal process of whatever they're doing after the updates but I just want to check and see if anybody else is getting the same results or something different happening. Thanks for any information you can add.


@jedidvena I'm in the same boat for what its worth. Was able to file, got them to show "Approved" for a few days but it wasn't paying out because I needed to verify ID. Never got the email, called around last Thursday, had to go stand in line for three hours to show my ID in person, and now it's locked for review. Hoping its just the process taking a little long.
@jedidvena I’m in the same situation. And I’ve actually caught Covid-19, denied regular UE , and had to quit my job as direct result. I just did my PUA app a week or 2 ago and now I have this same message.... no email or nothing can someone please help?

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