[ARIZONA] Account says it’s in review, past 9 weeks are all in progress. Will the review happen?


New member
I can’t find the Arizona number, but I’ve been trying to be patient. Running out of funding now, so I can’t really be too patient. I’m still looking for work, so I don’t know why my account would be in review all the sudden. It just told me that this time when I filed though.

I’m on PUA, haven’t made enough to be on regular UI.


I was told to send a selfie with my license, and upload it to PUA. Somehow I missed that when it asked for front and back, we needed to do this too.
If anyone else is frozen, check that you did this too, maybe? I’ll update tomorrow to say if it fixed the issue
@mistertumnus Its cuz they flagged tens of thousands of our claims as possible fraud, so they could make us jump through all these hoops to prove we are who we say we are. Try this number at 0659 on the dot if you actually wanna get through. You've been waiting long enough for them to expedite yours. I been in same boat. Good luck!

@mistertumnus 19 weeks here. I get that there's fraud but this is a weird way to go about it. It's like the equivalent of a retail store strip searching half of it's customers because of shoplifters.

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