Are people under 30 supposed to just get fucked on car insurance ?

@tiglathpileser It’s the lapse. Sorry your agent didn’t warn you. I always suggest a suspension of the policy until you buy a new car. Oh well. Nothing you can do now besides purchase liability only or get added to a family members policy to built insurance history asap!
@tiglathpileser lol yeah right. Have your mom tell her agent you drive the car 3x a week for work and just to see what they say. No way in hell they will say “oh well he doesn’t live with you so we can’t add him”. The live in the same household rule is to add drivers automatically if they don’t have existing insurance since they have a license and access to your car.

Imagine you had 2 DUI’s and 3 accidents in the last 3 years but your license is now good. Do you really think they not want to rate a driver like that? You can just drive a family members car with no adjustment in premium?
@ukera Yeah, I'll ask her to check with her agent. I want to be truthful, though. I dont want to be SOL if something happens, and the insurance company says, " Well, you didn't tell us that and lied so we wont cover the claim "

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