Apple/ Microsoft stock


New member
So on ZOYA
Apple 19.32% of its Revenue is questionable
MSFT 7.9% of its revenues questionable

So is it permissible to invest in it or not?.

Zoya it's such a great app except there is no way to contact them or get in touch with them they don't have a forum and they never reply to emails from my experience. 🥴

Does anyone know how we can get in contact with them?

Islamicly shows they are compliant.. but then again when they don't follow the AAOIFI SCREENING CRITERIA which I'm more comfortable with as it has leading and renowned scholars. I only use islamicaly to screen stock that zoya hasn't.
@bobwlpc Each application have its own scholars and its own calculation and shariah compliant rules that they follow and that's why you may find some differences between them ,The guidance most give is that you stick to one of them that you feel comfortable with and follow them and dont jump around .

Zoya seems to follow AAOIFI as per their FAQ today , so if you are comfortable following AAOIFI then that should be your answer .

Hopefully that helps and good luck

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