Anyone used P&O promilej car insurance before?


New member
How does it work and how do you claim? Put mileage on the first day and put mileage at the end of year?
@q490264 Using it for roughly 2-3 years.

Step 1: Sign up on their page.

Step 2: Take picture of mileage and upload during sign-up process. Done.

Step 3: If needed, you can top-up if you think you're going to exceed the limit, it's not too bad, going from 10km to 15km allocation is about 10% additional based on the initial premiums (from what I see when I try to adjust).

Note, if you top-up, it only lasts till the end of your current insurance policy term, doesn't extend your current policy.
@q490264 Pretty sure it would, but I haven't tested it yet.

Maybe you can check the quotes on a renewal and see how much is the difference between getting a 5K policy vs 10K policy. If it's within 10-15%, maybe you should just go 5K first, then top-up if needed. Depends on how you want it honestly, to me, cash today is worth more than cash tomorrow, so I'll just risk a top-up.
@q490264 No, it's an upfront rebate, so it's already present in the savings from your insurance premiums when you sign-up/renew.

I heard Etiqa has something similar but way more troublesome (monthly photos). Oh well, P&O is the way to go for now.

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