Anyone knowledgeable about investing in US PTP's(publicly traded partnership)?


New member
Is it viable or even possible?

Ive read about of the (IRS Section 1446(f)) IRS 10% withholding tax on disposal, would that require a TIN? Is that possible for a non US resident?

Would the amount of CGT reduce accordingly? Or would CGT be owed on the whole amount pre the 10% withholding?

Bonus question out of pure interest, why are they treated differently? This part might get into the weeds so nevermind it if it cant be summarised easily.

Edit: Havent figured out if its possible but it really doesnt seem viable, 10% withholding, is of the total transaction amount, not profit.

e.g with generous 20% increase in value.

buy 200 of X @50 for 10,000,

sell 200 of X @60 for 12,000,

Withholding of 10% = 1,200.

Never mind what CGT is now due, so thats the end of that

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