
New member
Hello folks, I know you lot are by in large very sensible and great for giving out solid advice.
But I’m interested to know if anyone here goes with something a little counter intuitive and owns a ‘stupid’, stupid in the sense that it’s not an econbox, it’s not been purchased purely out of necessity but more so out of lust or whatever you want to call it.

I know one guy with a Ferrari and he has Ferrari money as you’d expect, self made man, gent and he doesn’t bat an eye at €8k of a service bill.
But even on a lesser scale than that, anyone got something with high tax, running costs, the lot or just a nice weekender that stays wrapped up in the shed?

None of my friends own anything ludicrous.
Maybe a BMW the Credit Union owns half or the likes but nothing performance derived.

How do you justify it - not to your significant other but to yourself?
I love cars and I currently pay close to €900 in tax each year towards my two.

The UK seems a lot more car enthusiast friendly, but I’m interested in our prohibitively expensive VRT’d nation.

So does anyone here own a stupid car, how do you budget for it and how do you justify the costs?
@trevayne I was just thinking recently about how back in the 2000s there was absolutely loads of youngfellas cruising around in piece of shit Clios and Fiestas modified to a ludicrous degree, and all they did all day every day was drive around in them, parking up in a car park then driving around a bit till the next car park, and all their money went on spoilers and skirts and tuning. I'd say about 50% of boys in school would have been carheads. And the odd few would go on to have imprezas or skylines, usually the ones who went into the trade, mechanics or car decals etc.

But you never see cruisers any more, at all. Where did that generation all go? When petrol went over €1.50 it probably made cruising around all night financially impossible. But where did the cruisers themselves go? What do they drive now? Where did all the godawful modified cars end up?
@deester0206 There are still cruises etc but it's mostly non nationals these days

The specific generation you speak of still exist but typically have grown up and matured and the cars are worth so much now they don't rally around constantly
@deester0206 Old diesel BMWs became really cheap in recent years, especially after drop in quality and higher diesel ownership costs. I live in an area with plenty of those young racers, they all drove BMWs, usually older ones that they buy for cheap and fix up themselves. Or they use their drug money to pay off loans on the CLK class Mercedes, which barely have any resemblance to old school Merc design or quality, and usually in some obnoxious color like white.

Oh and scramblers. They rev their scrambler bikes and go up and down the same street 500 times in between picking up and dropping "discreet" packets from random houses.

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