Anyone concerned AI will take their jobs?

@ubicaritas True but people will have to go back to college for retraining. Most people can’t even afford a $400 emergency and FAFSA does not cover it. Like the coal miners and manufacturing workers who lost their jobs, it doesn’t look good for them
@abaez On average, but averages don't apply to the individual. Telling people watching AI in 2024 to prepare for mass job loss and economic upheaval is just solid advice.
@april_0718 In the movies maybe, but the “robots” in use today are very purpose built like manufacturing robots and while they may make calculations based on sensors, there is nothing AI about it.
@abaez Okay… but OP is worried about folks losing jobs. I don’t think that pointing to factories as an example of “We’ll be fine” is the strongest argument against that.
@truth1864 I was referring to the fact the not even the most behemoth orgs you know are able to implement a new software system in less than a year in most cases. Not to mention the fact that there are never ending issues, failures in user adoption, and new execs waiting to rip and replace as soon as they are running adequately. lol. I’ve worked with F50 orgs still using excel as the backbone of their finance and accounting groups. We are a long way from AI taking over.
@hopingforchange F500 here and our main system runs on like a DOS terminal looking thing that was built in the 60s. We’ve also spent over 20 years trying to standardize to this one system across all the companies we’ve purchased lol.. still have a decade to go at best lmao
@hopingforchange My first job out of college was stuck entirely in the stone ages with excel. I used a little bit of python to automate some things and they treated me like a god. It's wild out there.
@hopingforchange AI is in the early stages as well. Yes in some "basic functions" it can reduce some manual labor but very basic. And then the bean counters come in and go "That AI cost the company 100 million and you as a department are paying 5 million a year for it to just do XYZ?

Where it will come in is in analyzing big data at a faster rate though. So the area that will be in trouble are those that analyze marketing trends, etc. Even then they will need Big Data.

Cruise lines, Airlines, are notorious for Qterm systems with POS systems that were originally built in the 60-80s.

It will come, but in 20-40 years.

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