Anyone concerned AI will take their jobs?


New member
I’m trying to become financially independent as fast as possible because I’m honestly under the belief that AI is going to wash out a bunch of white collar jobs including tech and need to build that nest egg before that happens.

Anyone feel the same way? Maybe a year ago it felt a little crazy to say it but the pace at which AI has improved since ChatGPT was first publicly announced late 2022 has been crazy. I don’t think the world will look the same in 5-10 years at all.
The work I do can’t be easily automated and requires human empathy to be effective.

As someone who works with machine learning all day long, human empathy will be one of the easiest tasks to automate (mainly because it's already being done at several levels). Generally, the jobs that can't be automated out are

ones where the decision making is too politically controversial.

If you have a powerful cartel backing you (e.g., American Medical Association), then you're protected. Without that political lobby on your side, then you are a prime target for replacement.
@counjs AI is already better at empathy than most humans. I’m not sure what you do but I’d be shocked if your work is actually safe from AI replacement.
@kingoffrogs not really? automation isn’t the right word. using a roomba aka a dumb robot to automate a task is automation.

AI requires replacing more complex tasks that have required humans with machines. Point is I wouldn’t call the promise of AI just “automation”.
@resjudicata You’re actually correct, but I think you’re getting downvoted because with AI you can automate more complex tasks which require decision making vs linear programming.
@abaez I mean that’s fair. But it’s not like each iteration is a “phase”. The so-called robots are getting better and better and the cap on how good they can be is currently not in sight.
@abaez well looking back the issue is robots thus far are dumb robots

plenty of robotics firms now racing to incorporate AI. that will be a totally different beast
@machoke47 Industries get replaced by AI / robots and others will emerge because of it. Technology and automation have grown exponentially over the past 150 years, yet there are more jobs today than ever before. My job wouldn’t even exist if not for the automation that occurred in the past.

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