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Kia ora, I am really struggling.

I have a full-time job. I have no sick leave or annual leave to use at this stage. I don't want to get into the details here but I experienced SA after walking home from work last night. At work today, I am having strong feelings of suicide. I cannot imagine myself working my rostered shifts for the rest of this pay week. But I have no leave and I need income.

At this stage, I don't really see a point to this ongoing pervasive suffering. I know many people in the world have it much worse than me, but I am really on my last legs. Any and all suggestions as to financial assistance for my situation would be greatly appreciated.
@bubblegumlove01 Hey I’m really sorry this happened to you. I was self employed when it happened to me and had similar issues.
Unsure what channels you’ve gone through but try the Pohutakawa clinic for a kit to be taken. You don’t have to report it to the police but the clinic is amazing for referrals and follow up appointments and safe smears etc.
the clinic is for females and males and honestly they were incredible.

Secondly go through HELP Auckland who have a crisis team, they can arrange therapy and referrals. And if you want to make a report they help with justice. They can do the referrals for ACC, therapy and help with work. They have a crisis number. Call them on 0800 623 1700

It’s up to you if you want police prosecution but even making the complaint can help with referrals and funding therapy.

ACC was actually fantastic. They fund therapy for the rest of your life if you meet PTSD criteria. Look up sensitive claims under ACC. It took me 6 months on the therapy waiting list but I’ve been seeing mine weekly for 3 years, it’s funded by ACC and kept me alive.

ACC will also pay your wages and put you on acc leave while you recover. Not too versed in employed leave but your work can also have special discretionary leave.

By the time my case went to court 3 years later I was employed and had no leave and my work gave me discretionary leave and ACC leave for the trial and mental recovery.

There’s some amazing organisations out there. You could be in shock right now but please reach out. You don’t need to fight this alone and I promise life gets better. It’s crap and hard and devastating and you will want it to end but you can’t let them win. You can pull through. That’s my TED talk. Let me know if you need other groups to contact or help with ACC etc
I’m so sorry
@bubblegumlove01 I'm so sorry this has happened, and that you're now facing a horribly difficult situation.

I think it would be a god idea to get hold of a helpline that handles SA and let them know what you've written here. (Sadly) you won't be the only person who's experienced this. The impact of SA is not just processing the trauma, it includes the practical implications too and there will be advice and guidance about what help is out there and support that is quickly available to you.

This is one option: Safe to Talk sexual harm helpline: 0800 044334, text: 4334, email: support@safetotalk.nz.

Rape Crisis: 0800 88 33 00

Victim Support: 0800 842 846

And Women's Refuge have a really good helpline and help with this sort of thing all the time. Even if you don't literally need to seek physical refuge or it's not domestic violence, I think it's likely they could start you toward some help - this is what they deal with. Women's Refuge 0508 744 633
@bubblegumlove01 Certain assistance from Work and Income is based on your income from the previous week i.e food grants.
You can find more info here https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/products/a-z-benefits/special-needs-grant.html
You’ll need your payslip that shows your income. The other assistance is based on annual earnings so may not be available to you if you earned over the threshold in the last 52 weeks. If you need support in navigating the system please feel free to contact me (10 years at MSD, left in January, mainly did crisis response but was a case manager and centre manager). Good luck and I’m very sorry you had to experience what you did x
@bubblegumlove01 I just wanted to say I had a similar event and the feelings you are feeling are normal. But they do go away.

What helped me at the time was reporting to police, they gave me a fund. Also report to ACC. If you can't work due to it, you are entitled to weekly compensation (this takes forever and a day to do but it still comes through) and they can give you free counselling or psych appointments. The best thing you can do for yourself is put yourself on the record for it so you can access the help.

There's free therapies available, I recommend EMDR and also yoga courses and retreats.

I call the Shine helpline and they're great. Please tap into support from them or a specialist first before going through the process.
@bubblegumlove01 I'm so sorry this happened to you. Please reach out to a trusted family member and/or friend.

Does you job do bereavement leave? You could lie and let them know someone in your family has passed (preferably someone who is already dead)... it could explain/cover up why you're sad.
@bubblegumlove01 Some employers have additional paid leave types that you automatically have access to. Like bereavement leave for when a relative dies. Some would likely cover this through an employee assistance program even if not government mandated

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