Any strings with the free stuff on FB Marketplace?

@ella1838 I post stuff for free all the time. And honestly I can’t be bothered with asking for money or any of that admin.

I often post in zero waste Wellington - so I would check for something similar in your area
@ella1838 Yeah I’ve given kids stuff away for free, like his first bike and some ride on toys etc.

My 4yo is lucky to have an abundance of toys so I feel like someone looking at a free bike on FB would make another kids day rather than the $20 that would likely be spent on nothing and a lot of mucking about.

Usually do it on the local grapevine than deal with the general lack of chromosomes on marketplace though.
@ella1838 It costs money to throw things out. Rubbish dump costs can be insane.
Plus I’d rather hand something on than throw it out.
In some instances, keep in mind that you’re doing them a favor by picking it up and taking it.
@ella1838 I have so much stuff to get rid of and while it's worth money when you out it up for free it's gone in 5 seconds and there is no mucking around haggling the price etc.

Sometimes you just want it gone.

The only real downside as the giver is people come to your house. I've asked to meet in other locations like a park or shopping centre.

As the receiver it really us win win if it is something to you want.

I got a free stand up oven before and they claimed two elements didn't work but they must have come loose from the socket during transport.

I resold it for 400$ a year later. It's such a good system that probably saves a lot of landfill.
@ella1838 I've put stuff on for free because I would like it gone quickly. I still have a piano in good condition that I want to get rid of, but soo many time wasters. I think I would have been better off putting it on for $100 and then just not taking the money when they came to collect it. I think putting a cost on might have weeded out the tyre kickers.
@ella1838 Yes, I give up stuff for free for me it's a space issue and I don't use that product anymore, also nobody would buy it.
But be careful and check if the person is legit sometimes it could be a trap
@ella1838 I have recently given away lots of stuff for freeas I downsized. Most of it goes within hours.. with the first requests coming within minutes. If I try to sell things it takes longer and I get more specific inquiries. As I often cant verify whether things are in good working order (most belong to partner who now has dementia) I feel better about giving them away. A few months ago I requested and received a free typists chair .. it needed a bit of cleaning, a few screws and the hair remving from the wheels but is now quite usable. So yes.. free things do exist but you need to be quick and possibly prepared to do a bit of work.
@ella1838 My friend moved cities, she’s very kindhearted and put a lot of stuff on TradeMe and FB for free. But…most of the time nobody turned up to pick up the stuff they said they would. They hadn’t paid, or weren’t expecting to pay, so felt less incentive to turn up. They probably thought either: “It must be junk if it’s free” or “there’s no such thing as a free lunch”. That…and also the huge number of scammers on FB Marketplace maybe convinced people the deal was too good to be true.
@ella1838 I used to give stuff away for free on marketplace but got fed up with people fucking you around by either not turning or like mentioned above, wanting you to deliver it too.

Now I just throw things.

If you’re going to respond to ads giving stuff away, be polite and be punctual, most of the time they’ll want it gone asap.
@ella1838 Currently in uni, im probably gonna list all my shit as free when I leave because I don’t want to deal with the hassle of selling it for an extra couple hundred dollars
@ella1838 When we moved cities, we couldn't fit everything in the truck. I put everything spare on the curb, took photos and posted to FB Marketplace for free. No strings.

Well, the string was pick up only and people kept asking me if things were still available. Obviously no one wanted to drive there only to find things had gone. But I was in another city 6 hours away so I couldn't check what was left. Thankfully someone who took a few items took a photo of the curb for me and I was able to update my post.

The best item I put out was a really good dehumidifier. It was old but worked really well. Thankfully our new place doesn't need one but someone got a great score.
@ella1838 We've had some great free things from Marketplace. Our spa only needed the motor to have a service and off we went. People just want to move their unwanted things.

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