Any strings with the free stuff on FB Marketplace?


New member
I see a lot of stuff on Facebook Marketplace being given away for free. Is it for real? Are there any strings attached?

I am skeptical because there's no free lunch in life. Please share your experience.
@ella1838 Yep I do this a lot, it’s more valuable to me to be rid of something and I’d rather it was used than thrown out if in good condition.

The only attachment is it needs to be picked up and it’s amazing how many people also request free delivery- im not going to spend money on petrol to give something away free.
@vera7 We do the same, especially when moving house. If it's still sitting in the garage from the last move we didn't really need it, but someone else might.
@hunter101 Yea exactly. I got rid of a table and chairs once because I was merging houses with an ex and just thought I’d rather they went to a good home but they had been a little scratched by my cats etc so needed a little TLC. A single mum grabbed it - she didn’t have anywhere for her kids to eat. Way better in her house than gathering cobwebs in my garage!
@ella1838 Yeah plenty of people giving stuff away, I'm not super keen on randoms coming to my house so often put unwanted good stuff on the curb outside my place of employment, amazing how quick it disappears. Another tactic with really good stuff is to post it for less than its value, and then when someone inquires I tell them its actually free - means the person actually wants it and isnt just a scavenger. Hell I've given away like 4 or 5 ready to roll old cars haha, the couple of grand they might be worth is worth less to me than knowing someone who genuinely needs it now has it.
@ella1838 I often give stuff away online.

I don't want to bin it and giving it away is usually faster and easier than selling it for the few bucks I might get if I sold it.
@ella1838 I admin a Facebook Buy Nothing group in Wellington, and the stuff on it is definitely free. People often give away really good stuff, and because the groups are hyper local (you can only join the one for the area you live in) the people you are giving to and getting from are your neighbours, so everyone is really well behaved and respectful.

I've given away things like furniture, high quality bedding, desk chairs, rugs, all the kids toys they have grown out of... We have received things like a garage workbench, books, a coffee table, and at one stage a families entire lego collection which would have been worth thousands.

I give away because I work long hours and I don't have time to sell on TradeMe or other, and frankly when I'm in clean out mode I just want it gone. I don't mind that I'm giving away something often worth $100+ as I've received things that are equally valuable. Not to say anyone's keeping score of what has been given and received mind, there is no expectation of getting something in return.
@ella1838 Just check with people if the items are really free, some list them as such and then expect $$.

I put items up for free all of the time on there and also try to drop them off to people too (mainly because I have worries about ppl coming to my house). There’s no strings attached. I really just want them gone, but know they have some worth to someone.
@ella1838 I've given away stuff, either it's just not worth selling, or else I've tried to sell it and got no interest. And even then it's amazing how picky people are.

Some old tech stuff, even working fine or brand new, nobody wants for free.
@duzmond The exceptions being the scavengers who hoover up discarded stuff at inorganic collection time. Maybe there’s a difference in humans’ psychological response when they see a tangible thing in front of them, believe their scavenger-competitors are out there chasing the same stuff, and hey, when it’s inorganic time you can just dump the dumped stuff you found if it turns out to be no good.
@ella1838 Yeah of course. I give stuff away sometimes to clear out the house if I think it’s not worth selling, or if I’m just too lazy to sell and need it gone quickly. There are also but nothing groups and local area free stuff groups you can join, which are usually less dodgy than marketplace and have better quality stuff.
@ella1838 Yes, they usually have groups that are dedicated to giving away free things called buy nothing. They have them based on your area. I’ve given and received in that type of group before and people have been nothing but kind.
@ella1838 Of course. Not everyone wants to make or needs to make a dollar on things. Some people are happy to sit on something and wait weeks or months for $10. I prefer to give things away I can't be bothered dealing with. If someone else wants to sell that item I give them free, good on them. One man's trash is another man's treasure.
@ella1838 Yeah I’ve given kids stuff away for free, like his first bike and some ride on toys etc.

My 4yo is lucky to have an abundance of toys so I feel like someone looking at a free bike on FB would make another kids day rather than the $20 that would likely be spent on nothing and a lot of mucking about.

Usually do it on the local grapevine than deal with the general lack of chromosomes on marketplace though.
@ella1838 Unfortunately I stopped doing this considering I would list this as “free, pick up in ***** only” and I would get message request after message request asking me to drive it to the other side of Auckland to deliver. Now I either list things for $1 reserve on Trade Me or shove it on the curb on the weekend with a big FREE sign.
@joslyn04 Yea, I would literally write in capitals buyer must pick in, located in xyz suburb and so many people would be like ‘where is it’ and then ‘oh I don’t want to drive that far can you drop it off’. Ummmm no
@ella1838 Yes it is real. And no, there's no string attached. I do this quite often because I constantly horde plenty of shopping and most of them turn out to be spares and I have no use to it whatsoever. Same thing goes for my family so we'd just give it away for free to get rid of it quicker rather than throwing it away or put it on for sale. Which is either a waste or just not worth the time only to get a few extra $.

But of course free stuff varies so it can't always be guaranteed. One item that I noticed gets listed for free constantly that i'm skeptical of are mattresses. Although it's free and people tend to go race for it. I rather not simply because I've seen a few that got unremovable stains/infections which I see no one talk about. So maybe just be aware of this specific item. Otherwise, have fun hunting!
@ella1838 I've used it to give stuff away or get some stuff for free. Also usually there are local free FB community pages where people post stuff they're giving away or you can ask for things. Years ago I used to use Freecycle, same deal, list stuff you want or stuff you have to give away, which is a website, but it only seems active in the main cities.

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