
New member
I think I’m already pretty optimised on this, but I’d love to know if anyone has any hacks/tips I don’t know about.

My current strategy is that I check the TCS app for the cheapest gas station between my house and work. I won’t go way out of my way to get a cheaper station however.

I try to see if the station company offers any loyalty stuff. Coop pronto has -5cts/L often which is useful.
@rbl72 This. I fill up once a month. Usually it’s about 110-115 CHF. Last time I paid 1.77. 5 cents off is about 3% so a bit more than 3 CHF. That’s way too much hassle to save 3 Fränkli. Next time you think about ordering pizza just make it yourself or buy a frozen pizza. Saves much more money. And if you’re so tight on cash you probably can’t afford the car anyway and are better off with ÖV.
and are better off with ÖV.

Or a bike, for short distances.

Anyhow, I agree. People spending 35k on a car, 400+ a year on tax, 1000+ on insurance.

And then optimizing on 5% on gas.

A good measure is if you are paid by the hour: if you save 10 cents off a liter, then one fill of 100 francs (using more or less your numbers) saves you at most 7 francs or so. At 35 per hour, you can max spend 12 min more for research and driving to the better gas station - so it's probably only worth it if it's on your way anyway and you can just visually check and don't need an app.

Edit: a non-sportsman-like way of driving saves you more and definitely qualifies as a life hack. Won't impress your buddies, though.
@rengb121 I have once said, during a team dinner "if you have to pay attention to the gas price... Are you sure you can afford to have a car?"

(Crickets) (Owls in the distance)

Chaos ensued.
@timothy91 Ridiculous as it may seem - you can lease quite an expensive EV and still come out ahead. I did the math for my previous golf and a new ID.4. Knowing everything I've spend on my car for the last few years, the EV is still cheaper.
@virginiaann My math brought me to buy a 2nd hand car for 20k. Add 2k of gas every year, on top of 1k between insurance and possible repairs, and in 10y I won't regret selling it for 2k.
This adds up to 50k in 10k, or 5k/y. Risk mitigation included: if I crash it next year, it's not the end of the world.

What is your math?
@timothy91 Your math sounds about right. Mine is similar, that's what I did for my last car. Bought second hand. Sold for a few thousand. I got my cost down to 650.- per month, give or take.

You can easily lease and drive an EV for less. Leasing a pretty good EV costs about the same.

Most people look at the cost of leasing and think "insanely expensive", but don't know what they are spending on their car. Therefore comparing apples to oranges.
@rengb121 Depends on your canton, some are cheaper than others. Migrolinos have discounts sometimes for using the Cumulus card. Otherwise just keep an eye open for the best prices

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