Any chance of me getting paid for the time I missed from work?


New member
July 2019

A large retailer put regular gas in my diesel causing damages. The total bill came out to like 850.00 It took 3 days that I missed from work (old job, I don't work there any longer). The adjuster said that since I didn't tell her immediately or report it until a week later she couldn't do anything with it and offered an extra 50 gift certificate. (I did tell her within a week of original documentation, just not on the very first call)

I then directed her to please forward all of my info about me and the claim to her management.

I haven't heard from them since. 4 years now..

How should I proceed with this? ATM I have a release in my inbox for just over 900 and Id still like to be paid for the time the process took from me.

Also- It took a week to report it because of torrential rain ( I'm in a wheelchair)

How would you proceed?

Statute of limitations is 7 years here/ she said she will only offer it for 7 years, not sure how she worded it.

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