Anxiety about future- What to do next

@mypathmyquest i contacted an advisor couple of months back. He charged 10 k to analyse my situation and suggested to invest remaining amount through him and with some percentage changed by him irrespective of returns. I did not like that and dropped going that route.
@cedric48 Welll, He was not a fee-only advisor it seems. He probably would have invested in schemes for which he gets commission from the fund houses (without caring for your returns.)

You can go on this website and check out . I had talked to one. He didn't try to sell me anything. In fact, told me to wait till after marriage to start planning because the goals will change. These fee-only advisors are not supposed to sell you any products. They strictly suggest products based on your goals and risk appetite.
@cedric48 They won't charge you if you call them for the first time and do detailed enquiry. If you decide to avail their service, then they'll take charges for one year but will provide you that support as well. There is no initial fee as such. You can check on that website and go with advisors that you feel best after talking to them.

The one advisor I had contacted told me to wait for planning. But he told me to reach out to him for even small doubts.

Helped me a lot with guidance during a mediclaim. He didn't even take a single penny for it. Dev Manus ekdam....
@cedric48 First freeze on your goals. Secondly decide what kind of investor you are.
Currently your earnings are 3l pm and expenditure is 1 lpm.
If the PPF account is not in your daughters name, reevaluate it.
Recommend you and your wife both increase your VPF contribution as this will get you 8% plus returns vs 7.1% in ppf. You can open a PPF, sukanya samrudhi scheme or take a ulip from a insurance company for your daughter. They all offer similar returns and benefits. The plus with the Ulip, if anything happens to you, you won't have to make payments for the remaining term.
Assuming housing is taken care of, here is a list of goals
Health insurance - keeps going up with age
Retirement corpus - assuming you need 2 lakh per month in today's terms , you will need a corpus of 4to 5 cr. In 10 years time you may need 8 cr. Factor 6 to 7% inflation.
Child's education, marriage and inheritance
Replacement cars - every 10 yrs

Keep 6 months income in savings or fd which you can break easily. This is your emergency fund.
Increase your investments in MF to a lakh per month. You can stick with the current funds you are invested in. If you feel you have bandwidth, then make the increased investment on a monthly basis during lows - this may give you a 1-2% better return.
Start investing in gold funds or actual to hedge your risk.
If you have surplus cash invest it every month in the highest short term FD, typically between 2-3 yrs at approx 7%.
@cedric48 Sir... Invest that 27 lakhs in a good safe ( crisil AA+like that rating) NCD with interest giving monthly . With this interest start SIPs in good mutual funds..,
@acts2416 Someone suggested me to invest in rbi bonds that i am thinking of investing as an alternative to mutual fund and fd…

How different are RBI BONDS to NCD?
@cedric48 Same thing but i think interest rate is lower. Mainly useful to save tax from property selling. You can check golden pi for further investment in bonds. All types of ncds are thr with rating. Accumulate fund by planing for each goal. Gold ETFs are also an good option. But for ETFs n MF always go for SIPs.. When MARKET BLEEDS you can top up in MF s by lumpsum investment
@cedric48 On a different note.

My father was 34 when I was born (I'm an only child, 26M) and he passed away when he was almost 57. For the past 3 years I have regretted that I couldn't spend much time with him and wished I was born when he was younger.

I see you've a similar situation with a kid when you were 35. So pl spend time with your kid whenever you can. I'm sure you already are doing it.

My advice:
Firstly, make sure your wife and let's say someone else (a sibling) knows about your family finances and situations.

Secondly, also pl get a TERM INSURANCE. And don't skimp on it.

Lastly, make sure nominations are all set everywhere.
@cedric48 Another thing don't go for insurance products.... Only take term insurance.... Sukanya samrudhinas mentioned earlier by another is also good. Don't investvin properties other than commercial
  1. There is no enough in mutual funds. The more you invest the more you get. Plain and simple.
  2. Cut down on your adhoc expenses and reduce your groceries etc. 30k for groceries in one month? Tf do you eat?
  3. For a family your size your upper limit on monthly expenses (not including investments here) should be about 50k.
  4. The remaining 2.5L should be invested. I'd put 2L in mutual funds. (Which mfs is a separate story if you are interested.) And 50k I'd leave in savings.... accumulate them for 3 or 4 months and then make an FD for 2L to clear out the savings.
  5. Note: mf and FD investment must be done AFTER PPF. First put 1.5L in all 3 person's PPF accounts. You'll get benefits of only 2 persons (i.e. 3L) but that's ok. The investment in your 3rd PPF account will help your daughter in the long run. Put this 1.5L as soon as you can, lumpsum if possible, and be done with it in the financial year's beginning.
  6. Once PPF accounts are topped up, keep investing in mfs and FD like I mentioned above.
  7. Don't complicate your investment strategy. Just because you have some money doesn't mean you have to dip your fingers in every financial product.
  8. Embrace the KISS Principle.

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