Angry adjuster


New member
Was rear ended in November and got a concussion that has turned into post concussion syndrome and have visual damage on top of whiplash. The adjuster for the at fault insurance keeps asking at the check ins to have me sign a medical waiver which isn’t going to happen. He actually snapped at me yesterday.

He gives the reason they just want to “stay on top of things” and I calmly respond that I’ll provide records once I’m finished with treatment and I can update him on where the medical cost so far is at on the next check in.

Is the attitude he is throwing him trying to intimidate me? I don’t understand requesting something from me and snapping at me for it when his insured is at 100% fault. I have read to be calm and courteous with them especially when it comes to settlement but guy was getting disrespectful. I’m not looking to retire but I’m just wanting to make sure I’m whole and that any future complications aren’t just on me.
@resjudicata That’s what I was figuring. During that first discussion the minute I mentioned the concussion and them wanting to settle for $1,000 right there I told the original adjuster no as I had the referrals set up by my doctor. He sounded defeated or frustrated but never got unprofessional. This new guy was pressing really hard for that waiver and I don’t even have to do that, he can just get the records from me I know that.

If he was getting fined for not making a payment like lil miss Becky was saying 😂that would’ve been reasoning he would’ve given. I get where he’s doing his job just doesn’t need to be unprofessional about it
@davey1867 Same! Agent is great progressive is ridiculous. Just remember it’s insurance. State Farm isn’t going to want to pay you either if you have underinsured motorists and you should be. Hope you’re doing well

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