Andrew Hallam Suggestions - Hong Kong


New member

Andrew Hallam has a few funds that he suggests for Asian investors via the Hong Kong Exchange.

Since my wife is from Hong Kong, I started her Interactive Brokers account with the following 3 funds:

2805 - Vanguard FTSE Asia ex Japan Index ETF

3101 - Vanguard FTSE Developed Europe Index ETF

3140 - Vanguard S&P 500 Index ETF

All three of these have been delisted from the Hong Kong exchange, I'm wondering if anyone else is in my shoes, is there a similar fund that I could move all the money into? My wife doesn't monitor the account, so all the stocks were "cashed" out and given back as dividends, so we are holding cash only at the moment.
@cross_product I wonder if you have access to the London Stock Exchange... whether you can invest in ETFs over there.

Those UCTIS ETF are domiciled in Ireland and are more efficient when it comes to estate tax/inheritance tax and withholding tax.

There should be equivalent ETF for those three regions that you mentioned.
@catholicdudes Thanks for this, I've been digging a bit and decided to move the funds into VUAA.

In case it helps anyone else, when I opened the IB account for my wife I had requested access to the London Stock Exchange, so I'm able to use her Hong Kong account to buy from the LSE.

If you don't have access, i was told by IB that you can call in and they can provide that access.

Also - based on Andrew's recco in his book, i've subscribed to Mark Zoril's services. He recommended VUAA, and also said he's reached out to Andrew about the delisting of the above funds. Maybe he'll write an update, who knows.

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