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As the Notorious B.I.G once said:

"I drop unexpectedly like bird shit".

Is it finally over for AMP? The final nail in the coffin for this overhyped, unprofessional, and unimpressive business?

I think the answer to that is a resounding yes.

Pack your bags, ladies and gentleman. It's over.
@jjddww AMP is possibly the worst run company in Australia.

The fact that they are still alive despite the most hilariously incompetent leadership is purely as a result of the fact that their is a ton of dumb money flowing into supers which people don’t realize is managed terribly.
@jackson561716 It's been a very long ride to the bottom for AMP. They're just an unscrupulous player in the financial services industry that seem to only bungle whatever they do on a massive scale.

Their revenue keeps falling (rapidly), their reputation keeps worsening, they're unprofitable, and they've done little to turn things around.

It's just a decrepit, dying business that was once a monolithic, highly respected business
@jjddww My father worked there for 30 years, retiring in the late 90s.

He was proud of the company at that time and what it had achieved. He also does admit he feels sad at how far they have fallen.
Back in the day when you became Prime Minister you would call BHP & AMP apparently.

He did say at the end greed was starting to take over, and at the time of the demutualisation which he was involved in just before retirement that it could be the beginning of the end
@belle33 Heard things about their risk culture from ex-employees.

Wouldnt want to be a senior manager responsible and accountable to a regulator as i fear my recommendations would be ignored.

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