American Income Life


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In the middle of covid lock down I got a policy with AIL through my union I guess. The initial meeting was over Zoom bc of covid and it was very relaxed, informative and professional. I’ll skip the basic phone harassment tale that everyone has. Fast forward today I got called into work early and I worked late, not much sleep. I get home at 6pm I’m just getting relaxed on couch by 7pm when an “office manger” knocked on my door and ask if we could review my policy bc some weird stuff was going on with it. (He really had to get in the door) he does his fast talk thing try’s to change my policy by writing numbers, arrows and abbreviations down on blank piece of paper. I tell him I’m tired I’ll think about the stuff he wanted to change to make it better and I let him know Monday. I’m pissed off at this point bc what kind of bullshit business handling is cold knocking peoples doors at night? Anyways, I started thinking and I never got a physical by a doctor for this life insurance policy but I’ve e been paying on it for nearly four years. I want to cancel the policy I’ve read all the horror stories of the run around they give people. My question is if I never got a physical would that affect the cancellation? And was this all just a waste of money then bc no physical?

TLDR; usual horrible experience with AIL. Policy is almost 4 years old and never got a physical from my doctor. Have I been paying for nothing basically and would this make it easier to cancel?
@vicatekdng866 Not all policies require a physical. The majority of the ones I write don't require one.

That being said, there's plenty of information out there about AIL and their tactics. I personally wouldn't buy a policy from them.
@vicatekdng866 AIL is a legitimate company. The tactics used sucks. Don't allow any more upsetting. Ask to no longer be called and serve to them in writing. Tell them from this point point forward you only want to be contacted by mail. If they violate what you've asked, you'll have grounds to litigate.

Don't ever cancel a policy without getting something better or equivalent.
@rhonda919 As far as I know, AIL's claims process is about the same as most other carriers. I don't know your specific situation but I doubt you'll have much trouble.

I'm sorry for your loss. May his memory be eternal!
@vicatekdng866 Your policy is perfectly fine. You can call corporate and they will confirm that for you. AIL isn't good at providing agents fresh leads and you're a policyholder so you stay in the database and every few months they kick your information out into an agents lead box for a "review". Unfortunately, most agents there become misleading and unprofessional because they're struggling. If you needed a physical for your policy it would've immediately been requested after applying for your first policy and you will always receive something in writing from home office. I'm sorry you had that experience, most people do which is why I left the company.
@seekeroftruth0 Depending on where OP is located this is a high possibility. Theres lawsuits against another company for stealing AIL policy holder information. They show up at the home of the client pretending to be with AIL and tell them a bunch of nonsense to get them a new “cheaper” policy. It mostly turns out they sold them term or UL and cancel their whole life with AIL without them knowing until they get letters in the mail.
@vicatekdng866 Have them put what is wrong in an email not writing on an illustration. If it is a permanent policy you can always get a new carrier and exchange it to a new one and transfer all the cash value etc. just find an independent broker near you.

You can cancel any policy at any time but if not a term there could be some surrender charges is all but other than that you’re free to cancel and don’t have to answer any questions to them when canceling just fyi
@vicatekdng866 they only have a 2 year contestability period to make changes/reevaluate your rating, so youre good! even if your bday or gender was wrong and you're paying less than you should.

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