AMA with Statistics Canada on November 19. Stay tuned! / DMNQ avec Statistique Canada le 19 novembre. Restez à l’affût!

@audreyl For sure! I know the person running the account is probably in no way directly related to the handling of this, but I wanna mention that you guys have really improved airport statistics accross Canada over the years.

I work for a company called OCTANT Aviation which specializes in aviation consulting and I've been doing data analysis for them since 2016. I gotta say, the way the stats can website was in 2016 was... barebones. When I needed to know the number of in and out pax from specific Canadian airports the data was hard to search through and very spotty.

The UI has much improved since. The way tables are now, it's a lot easier to navigate and choose filters. I must say the data is still spotty in a lot of smaller airports. Missing months, innacurate numbers and such, but it's way way better.

I do hope you continue to expand the types of stats you compile on Canadian airports. It's sad when we need to turn to American run companies like Flightaware to buy airport flight data when we could turn to you guys instead.

We'd love to have traffic info easily available for all airports in Canada, small and big. A lot of countries are way ahead of us regarding this.