Am I wrong to believe that my partner buying a house with his mom, plus getting a van to live in, is a terrible idea?

@oneservant As a side note, it costs about $20k to build out a van for comfortable living long-term. I've done it before. And that's if you do it yourself, not hire a pro. Which means you need skills, and tools; read: time and money.
@oneservant Guy would probably pay nearly 1300 a month things like condo fees and property tax. Can't get ahead? He has an excellent deal at the moment. You have to throw money into property you own too.
@oneservant He would be much better holding on to that apartment and saving up. Giving up his rent controlled place to buy his mom a house that will be in her friends name while he ends up homeless in a van seems like the worst possible plan.
@aazae17 Walmart will usually let you. I've slept at Mc Donaldses' with no issue as well. Heard some people use hotels since people come and go. A huge mall or any huge parking lot. I don't think that's much of an issue. Plus he mentioned parking at work, so I presume work?
@harmano1 I agree. I tell so many young women not to waste their youth with "partners." But they never listen until it's too late. The Mom will never be self supporting and can just not pay the rent and son will be on the hook. You will what, live in a van, never have kids or live with the Mom and be her caregiver later on. No future here.
@theleapofaith How could you possibly stay? He wants to live a Van Life style in Toronto? that doesn't even make sense.. let alone where would the partner live? Have they ever done it?

Van life makes sense outside big cities because you can park where ever and have amenities etc and travel but a Van in the city has by laws etc..

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