Am I supposed to be paid for Family Day in Ontario, if I am P/T and usually off Mondays?


New member
I noticed my employer hasn't paid me Stat holidays on Mon since 2016. Since I usually work 8 hours per day P/T on Fri/Sat/Sun. Am I entitled to holiday pay aka 8 hours?
@lea1373 To be eligible, you simply have to follow the “first and last” rule - there are no restrictions on how long an employee has worked for the employer. In order to qualify for public holiday pay, you must work your last regularly scheduled shift before the holiday as well as your first regularly scheduled shift after the holiday, unless you have permission to miss those shifts. Part time and full time employees are eligible.
@lea1373 Yes, not a lawyer but work in law and that is my interpretation of Ontario’s rules around holiday pay.

If you worked Sunday and then the next day (Monday) was a statutory holiday, and then you worked the immediate Friday, then you should get paid for the Monday.
@lea1373 Depends on your employment agreement, my pt government job pays us for stat lieu time by spreading it out throughout the year on each pay when it’s not our regular day of work
@lea1373 So to figure out how much a P/T employee should get for a Stat holiday. You add up the hours worked over the 28 days prior to the stat and then divide by the number of shifts worked and that gives you the hours owed. 96 hrs ÷ 12 shifts = 8hrs stat pay.
@lea1373 Employers must pay you stat pay whether you are full time or part time - but your stat hours will be a calculation based on your total hours for the prior four weeks divided by 20. (Ie if you worked 80 hours in the last four weeks, you get 4 hrs stat pay as long as you worked your last scheduled shift before the holiday and your first scheduled shift after the holiday. That being said, Family Day is a stat holiday that your employer has the option of re-scheduling to another civic holiday such as the August banking holiday. Make sure that your employer didn't opt for this change before you make a fuss.