Am I done for?

@hepzibah12 OP, are you in the US and do you have a loan on the car? Most, if not all lienholders will require Comp and Collision on your policy. If it is paid off and you have the title, I guess you're at Kemper's mercy and hope that they do not have state minimums.

Also, if your vehicle is at a storage yard or someplace accruing storage, you'll want to get it moved to a storage (fee) free place ASAP. If you have to pay out of pocked, save the receipt and invoice. You may get reimbursed as part of the property damage claim. As for rental charges, keep them minimum. It is your duty to help mitigate the damages and total exposure and you may not get paid for all of the rental if it is deemed to be excessive. Sorry you are going through this! Stay on Kemper, but be polite and kind. Adjusters are slammed and verbal abuse will put you at the back of the line.

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