Am I Doing Ok? What Should I Do Next? (23F)

@struggle151 My first degree was 3 years (with summer school) and cost around $8k a year I think. My second degree was 4 years on top of that and cost $17k+ a year.

I also had student loan living costs weekly throughout the duration of my studies so yeah massive student loan to pay off.
but I am very disciplined when it comes to saving and managed to save just over $25K when I was last living in New Zealand in 1 year working a minimum wage full time job which I think is a great effort (but I could be wrong)

That is indeed great!

I have no debt, I have thought to possibly study Environmental Science or Outdoor Education in the future, but I first would like to get a good chunk of savings and put a deposit on a house ideally within the next 4-6 years

Why delay by 6+ years from doing studying to advance yourself?

Especially as if you're in NZ, you could get an interest free loan.

I'd suggest that once you're back in NZ doing conservation job somewhere in the South Island, then make a start on your education part time.

Such as:
@kknmksmama You are doing well, when I was in my early 20s I had a big set back and used a house deposit to help out family, after finishing my studies now at 31 I’ve bought a house in a lovely suburb and my once 50k a year job is over 100k, my advice is to work hard and upskill wherever you can. And treasure the travel you have done! I only wish I had done what you have when I was your age.

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