@cryssy Hahaha. It’s okay mate. The goal’s to be better versions of ourselves and I am sure you’re doing just fine. Anyway, you can always drop me a DM if you need any help. CA here :)
@cryssy You do realize there are a lot of people earning less than your monthly income in an entire year AND have entire families dependent on them with nothing in their name, right?
@susejlx I do. Absolutely. Did you not see where I mentioned I grew up impoverished? I of course know I'm doing decent.

The point of asking this question was to seek opinions on how I'm handling my personal finances.

And I'm a student of the social sciences, I know how an average Indian is leading their lives better than most folks on reddit :)
@susejlx I get what you're saying brother. But, growing up the way I did, it's natural for me to aspire for a better life and make sure that it's not threatened by other factors. That requires a lot more money and effort than what I currently have.

Sure, some people would perhaps be happy with much lower salary. I worked my ass off to be where I am - took a lot of hard work you see. I won't say I made it unless I won't have to think twice before I want to purchase something
@cryssy Thing is, most people work really hard, even destroy themselves physically, and only a handful make such money. You gotta be happy for that and stop comparing with others. Anyway you do you bro.
@susejlx Point taken :)

Not comparing with others btw. Just want to make sure I figure out the basic things in my life well. Get a house, a car maybe, ensure children have a good education and save just enough to live a comfortable life in retirement. That's all! :)
@skeptisist Mirae Asset Large and Midcap Fund, SBI Small Cap are some of the major funds I'm invested in. Stocks I invested in have required a few hours of research at my end. So I'm not really comfortable sharing that. Hope you understand
@cryssy Hey OP, first of all congrats on the baby girl. Please do start an SSY like someone else already mentioned. Otherwise, you seem to be doing well. I don't know what is high interest SB but there are long term FDs at 7.5-8% interest rates. Areyou getting that kind of interest with your SB? You can create multiple small value FDs and break them if markets dip? Also why are you investing in the upcoming SGB? It's a genuine question since I took the decision to not buy. Gold prices are really high now. If events happen that may further drive the gold price up(assuming such events cause higher inflation and or market crash which is generally what gold is used as a hedge for) SGB is not the most flexible option. Unlike other instruments you don't choose when you can cash out. Gold prices vary quite a bit even within the year. If such events don't happen then as an investment gold over 8 year periods isn't stellar in terms of historical returns.
@tasha93 Thank you! High interest Savings Bank Account - that's what I mean! I'm getting 7%. I'm considering SGBs as a means of saving for buying physical gold. I have a daughter and would like to start saving for her marriage at least a bit. Plus, it's also a portfolio diversification thing. I don't plan to sell this anytime soon.

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