Am I Crazy buying house with cash with mortgaged property

@everydaylily I’m 29 on a bit more than that after bonus and all and software dev , just thought I’d input that as I’m currently buckled drunk dropping a massive deuce
@isak84 Right but you did seem to think the “3 year older factor” was the difference in their salaries, when it’s not really a factor for a lot of jobs.
@thelifted Well my point was that 3 years is a big difference when we’re talking about the amount of time a 26 year old has been working. If they’ve finished college and done a postgrad it could be almost twice as long a working career so it would definitely be relevant.

But feel free to let OP know your age and salary if you think he / she would be interested, although OP has already told them they work in pharma.
@everydaylily Nowadays these salaries are very achievable in pharma or tech sales. These professions are not advertised at all in academic environments, they don’t like young people earning that much (my opinion). I’ve seen people with no degree making crazy amounts of money, knowing how to sell is such a valuable life skill
@doctorpharm Really interesting. I have a vocational degree (medicine) & am doing a pretty academic job so all of this is alien to me! How can you suggest supporting one's kids into at least having the option ?
@cee_the_atheist What's your background and how'd you het in to it? Asking as I have a kid doing a science degree & not sure what she wants to do! Still a year or so left of the degree though so there's time.
I'm renting out a nice double room in the centre of a big town for €580 per month including bills. The €14k in the rent a room scheme you can earn is inclusive of bills. Most people forget that. It's still a great way to make money and give someone a room to stay in.

Background in biochemistry and working in the area for 2 years . If your a people person and have a background in science its a super industry and the barrier to entry is very big as you need that science background but also good at sales

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