@joshstick If you dont mind egg whites, try local bakery if they sell any egg whites they have in excess. I used to buy 2L (milk bottles) for $5 and last foreverrrr.
@ieltscertificates99 Seconded, I slap a slice or two of ham into a greased muffin tray and crack an egg into it. Top with whatever I have in the fridge or garden to use up.

Diced mushrooms, spinach, tomato etc with a generous pinch of cheese. Very nice and much more filling than a muesli bar!
@ieltscertificates99 Eggs used to be the way to go! I used to eat 6 cage eggs at first smoko daily just soft boiled and i put on weight after being trapped in a skinny body my whole life. I didn't get fat either just bulked up cause my job is very physical!
@gjr I was a bit taken aback as I see chickpeas as mainly savoury, but they weren’t bad, the nicer the chocolate the better the taste of course.
@shiner222 A few years back there was a chickpea chocolate brownie trend....it was actually really good and super moist.
I think we associate chickpeas aa savoury as they're often tossed in spices but they're actually almost flavorless

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