@corey7973 This one is hit or miss: dates ($2/400g) dipped in peanut butter ($6/kg). Do not consume in excess due to sugars and saturated fats. Peanuts have a surprising amount of protein.
@corey7973 Just make the bars urslef. Get some oats or rice puffs, some fruit, nuts, and protein powder, mix it together with some honey and yogurt, chuck it in the freezer, and you should be good. Dates are annother good sweetener/binder, and come pretty cheap in the home brand bags, $3 for a half kg bag
@corey7973 For some reason this country doesn't seem to have much love for baked oats, but it's a great way to stretch $$$ and you can throw almost any old fruit into it. It's pretty much just the recipe you listed, but with less fancy ($$) ingredients, add an egg (or banana) to bind, and bake it at the end. When cooled you can cut into slices or heat up and serve warm.
@corey7973 These are great. Pretty cheap too.
  • 380g peanut butter (we get the 375g jars & that is fine)
    190g honey
    Warm in the microwave & mix.
  • Mix in 400g rolled oats.
  • press into lined baking tray/oven dish & place in fridge to chill.
  • melt enough chocolate to cover in a thin layer (about 200g) once chilled. Place in fridge again to chill.
  • cut to desired size.
We have added things like date & walnut, peanuts, cranberries, raisins. When we do that we reduce the oats by 50-60g to compensate.
@corey7973 https://preview.redd.it/znl8q8adyes...bp&s=e57610826911276fb7c9ca1847cfa697aedfda9c

If you’re after a protein rich snack bar, these are a household favourite.

Use any nut milk you like. For egg whites we were using the zeagold liquid egg whites but we recently switched to buying egg white powder from supplement shops. Some dark chocolate sprinkled in the mix if you want to jazz things up a bit.

Decent outlay on ingredients at first so I’m not sure this is true povertyfinance, but certainly cheaper than muesli bars.
@seekingservant You're intense... I'd eat a fried cricket. Already enjoy chicken feet. I ate pigs anus at yum cha it literally tasted like shit and made me gag a little. My mate went back in for a second helping.
@ymlgarcia Chicken feet is divine. One of my favs is beef kidney, gotta cook it properly and spice it up real nice though. Yum cha is good its super refreshing if you go in there and they yell at you and look at you like a piece of shit foreigner. So funny. Pigs ass haha. Nah i draw the line at pork that shit is nasty but im partial to the intestines and the trotters/feet. Also the head. Have you tried sisig? Filipino dish of finely chopped cheek and snout. Amazing when done well, also has spices and clamansi, on the whole though i wont eat pork, filthy disgusting meat lol, and i actually love pigs, ever been to a pig farm and looked in their eyes and see the green and blue eyes? It makes them so human. Spicy pigs ear wuhan style, fuck its so good.
@seekingservant I've owned livestock and eaten them. But haven't slaughtered a pig with my bare hands and can't stand the sound of pig hunting. I once mercy killed a chicken that got squashed while hatching, but for the most part im a hypocrite that buys meat from the supermarket but cant kill it myself. I haven't had the Filipino dish you speak of but sounds good I like spicy weird stuff.
@ymlgarcia Well its just like anything i suppose, we say the word "livestock" or " sheep" ot " chickens" and the truth is a lot more subtle and nuanced than that, for example if you raise your own animals and you get to know them a little, it might be a lot harder for you to kill one animal than another one, because there could be one animal thats a but smarter or has more character, and you can kind of sense its sentience. Similar to if you were an executioner an your job was to execute a group of humans, there might be one in particular that you are familiar with, and you kind of like, and you kind of dont want to execute. Most sentient empathetic humans would probably try to minimize the pain or discomfort that the animal feels when you go to slaughter it. Supposedly this is one of the things that kosher and halal are all about. I heard back in the pre-euro days of maoridom, there were tohungas(doctor,wisemen,witchdoctors, whathaveyou) that were tasked with knowing the most humane ways of strangulation or garroting so when a person got sick with the mate puku or was affected by an illness they could be humanely strangled and their suffering abated. It kind of reminds me of one evolutionary benefit of being a more sensitive human being, that being that the average person tasked with executing someone else or a group of people might not be a clinical psychopath with no empathy, so if you can appeal to that person in the right ways they would probably be more likely to let you live or let you go when their superiors werent looking. If however you show absolutrly no sensitivity or extra sentience, that person probably wouldnt have any compunctions about executing you just like everybody else. This is why i think traits like blue eyes and things survived in evolution. In some cultures they say anything that stands our is bad, though i think in some ways of looking at it, if you stand out, you might be more likely to be kept around as a novelty. For instance the first wolves that were domedticated as dogs were likely the ones that showed extra sentience. This idea also has implications for religion and spirituality. For example if there were superpowerful spirits or gods who could reveal or hide themselves and manipulate the fabric of reality at will, it makes sense that they might only reveal themselves to those who are extra sensitive or sentient. Its the old adage, when a pure vessel receives pure water, it will remain pure. If a dirty vessel receives pure water it will become dirty.

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