Alphabet Inc. (GOOG, GOOGL) Analysis

@bea1271 Page and Brin, who co-founded Google in 1998, remain as board members and hold majority a stake in the company, controlling 51% of a special class of Alphabet's voting shares.

This is from 2021.

I think it's GOOGL that are the voting shares.
@dgnhlp GOOGL are Class A shares with 1 vote per share.

GOOG are Class C shares with no voting power.

What the founders have are Class B voting shares that have a much higher number of votes per share and do not have a ticker or trade in public markets.
@bea1271 Good analysis. As someone who does this for a living, I like the approach.

I would focus a bit more on TAM and market share to explain growth scenarios.

Also, Google Cloud biz needs more recognition as its one of the fastest growing/emerging segments.

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