Allstate-U NOT in good hands!


New member
Just to let you know All state is trash!

A few months back in March, Allstate increased my car insurance premium by over 200+%

Im a good driver, and my car is beat up and old. I dont think I deserve such treatment, mind you. For years, I have been paying bone dry basic premium.

Request verification, I talked to their representative. They said the premium shown was indeed correct! My butt it is, but they know better.

Fed up, I shopped around.

Now, I recieve a letter from CREDIT COLLECTING SERVICE saying I owe money!

I owe and they intend to collect! I called the agency for clarification. Long story short, it a cancelation fee from Allstate!

Allstate claimed they have no cancellation fee. Yet they send Credit Collecting Agency on me. No notice, no warning, nothing. Isn't that interesting!

So, for all those who have ALLSTATE out there.

Watch out! You're NOT in good hands!

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