[ALL STATES] Are you tired of being screwed by the system? Be a part of the biggest F U in modern history to the rich POS who ruin everyone’s life

This goes across all political lines but if we are being honest, you’ll be screwing over the older generation which might lean a little more conservative, for selling out all our futures for a second home while most of us don’t even have enough money for a down payment on our first.

I’m sure most of you have heard about the stock market situation right now. Well to keep this short, put some money into all the stocks that have been being promoted: GME, AMC, etc. Even $20 is something. You just need a robinhood account or there are even better trading apps out there. Pick which one you want.

Buy buying these stocks, which are heavily shorted (which means rich pricks are trying to collapse the company and make a killing), you are not only saving businesses, you will make a lot of money along with everyone else, while screwing over billion dollar hedge funds who’s entire immoral lives and lifestyle is based off of predatory financial practices.

Like I said, this I one of the biggest peasant revolutions in the modern era. Be a part of it before they change the rules again to oppress us even further. Don’t listen to the media’s stupid claims about it being some “white supremacist” operation. That’s insane and BS. You think these billion dollar hedge fund managers are all multiracial progressives? Lol.

Do the right thing. Buy GME and other heavily shorted stocks. These upper class predatory pricks need to feel the pain.
@abr25 What bs! God forbid millionares loose money but its totally cool if unemployed people still haven't got the meesly bread crumbs we need. The way I see it they bet on these stocks and the people called their bluff....

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