Advice on Investing as an expat in the UK


New member
So I am a 23 M and I have U.S Citizenship. I currently working and living in the U.K after graduating from university this year in the U.K. I wanted to know the best route to invest into index funds, open a brokerage account etc. whilst I am in the U.K. I currently have a Robinhood account registered in the U.S with a U.S bank account (I send money that I make at my job from the U.K to my U.S bank account). I’m planning to stay in the U.K for a couple more years, however, I still want to be able to invest into index funds/open accounts whilst I’m in the U.K. I am a beginner investor so I would appreciate any advice on how to go about this. Also, should I reach out to a professional account advisor or something?
@seeking626 You're in a bit of a tough spot as a US citizen, because of various conflicting requirements on US and UK investors. This page has a discussion of some of those issues, and a list of index funds that should be "safe" from a US and UK tax perspective (always double check and do your own research, though).
@seeking626 I would avoid anything with PFICs on it. I am unsure if you can open up anything like an ISA in the UK as an american citizen, if you could it might help but I still think you would get taxed.

I would play safe and invest back in the US or through a US brokerage. If the exchange works out well you could potentially save more!

There is some good info on a few expat websites:
They are more UK based but have US content on them that might help understand the situation a bit more!

I hope this helps!
@whitesunshinee Do you think opening a TD Ameritrade Account and sending my U.K money to the TD account investing in U.S based index funds is ok? I plan to pay U.S taxes on any gains within the TD Ameritrade account.
@stephendisraeli Is this disadvantageous tax treatment really bad? As in would it still be worth sending money to my TD Ameritrade account for investments?

Also, is it legal for me to send U.K money to U.S brokerages for investments whilst I live in the U.K? I am asking because I don’t want to open an account only for them to seize all the money and close my account or something :/
@kwellham Does this mean it’s ok to create a TD Ameritrade Account and invest into U.S based index funds? I plan to pay taxes on any earnings with those index funds or any other capital gains I make with my U.S money/U.S accounts.
@seeking626 That sounds reasonable. You will also get something around $105,000 per annum of foreign earned income exclusion. Meaning your UK income won't be taxed in the US (but you'll have to pay UK income tax of course).
@kwellham Not every possible investment domiciled in the UK would be a PFIC. Single stocks, or interest from accounts or bonds (even though this is mostly a theoretical option in todays low-interest financial environment), or income from renting out property.

The UK should have higher overall tax rates, so using the FTC instead of the the FEIE may result in the same tax outcome and more flexibility (FTC credits can be carried forward for several years and backward for one year) at the price of slightly more effort.
@seeking626 You'll be back walking the fine line of a US expat wanting to open an investment account. Might be able to, might get knocked back (in the real world). But good point on the foreign tax credit system Vs FEIE. However FTC is more common for expats earning huge bucks I thought?

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