@empie0750 I mean IB is probably as safe as it comes when it comes to brokers. Also I have not found that the account setup is long or hard (took me all of 30 min, but from what I heard it might vary) and the trades where easy to make on the online platform (also the android app is pretty good).
@empie0750 Ibkr is one of the most famous and reliable brokers for europeans. In Baltics, not much choice. Tradestation Global, plain ibkr, maybe polish xtb. Other options are much more expensive or less trustworthy.

I highly doubt you'll need to take any legal action. Btw, Investor protection is 90% up to100k for ib central europe (as it is located in hungary) that fits your case well
@empie0750 I think your weighting is good. Vanguard All-World is heavily weighted towards the biggest US megacaps, which have already had a fantastic run-up since 2009 and don't have much juice left imo.

I think a weighting of 35% EEM is good, in fact I would add 15% exposure to India as well. I believe there will be a transfer of economic power from the US to China and Indian stocks will partly benefit from that.

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