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Just some background: I’m an 18 years old college student working part time at a large retail shop in Sunway Pyramid. I enjoy the convenience of being able to travel to work via public transport as I don’t have a car. My company gives me flexibility in planning my own schedule and pays me RM12/Hour with a cap of 59 hours a month.

Recently, I’ve been feeling burnt out and have no motivator other than money to work there. I am proficient in sales and a people person but my manager prefers asking me to clean the shelves sweep the floors and such. I am also not allowed to interact with my colleagues for reasons other than work (no borak time). This means I spend most my hours isolated at the corner of a big shop talking to myself most of the time. Also, I feel that I cannot relate with my colleagues as I am the youngest and only Chinese staff there working with Malay people in their 30s.

I have thought of taking a break and be unemployed for a few months. But my concerns are if I could ever find another job that pays me RM12/Hour again and how am I gonna reach my savings goal of RM5,500 by November as I have an FD maturing in that month. I have about RM3,000 saved already but I would surely have to dig into it for daily expenses if I were to go unemployed. Furthermore, my current college semester is pretty challenging for me and I wonder if it will get tougher in the upcoming semesters and if I can balance studies and work by then? Looking for advice from the wise people of MalaysianPF.
@ashfur No need to kill yourself working so young on especially when you don't sound like you need money just doing it to hit some saving goal. In the future got like 30+ years for you to slowly work maybe 40 if they extend retirement age.
@ashfur work sucks. even if you have your dream job / the most interesting things to do, once you get into the groove of it you'll find sth that sucks. embrace the suck.

seems like you already got a good job. flexi schedule, no transport cost, high hourly. maybe find sth to fill up the boredom. i'd probably use a small earphone and listen to pimsleur / fsi or audiobook. they probably prefer to train full time staff so there can be career progression. try your best fitting in. but if they're not your cup of tea, then maintaining professional relationship with colleagues is also a skill in adulthood. not everyone is going to be your friend.
@ashfur This is a good early lesson in life for you. Don't jump into the sea without getting aboard another vessel, especially if you need money.
@ashfur I would recommend you to spend more time on studying and make connections with other students, in the same course and other courses. Studying is a form of investment as well. Having a part-time job and have some income is great and I would say that should not be your priority now.
Recently, I’ve been feeling burnt out and have no motivator other than money to work there.

Normally I would say that you should not waste your time being idle when you can do something with your time. But if we're talking burn out, its a pretty significant problem and you definitely should learn how to deal or cope with the problem moving forward. So yeah, take a break, do something different for a change. Your work arrangement sounds pretty exploitative in the sense that your other colleagues are probably lazy and your manager is pushing their workload to you, with the no borak rule being there to prevent you from telling the others about this.

Why dont you try looking for work elsewhere? Lower pay is fine at your stage, just explore and get a feel for the working life and schedule. I dont think you're at the stage to look for an internship yet anywaysm
@ashfur you should at least have some enjoyment at your place of work and if you're feeling burnout - get another job, even with a lower pay (not too low obviously) - if it's a good one with a good boss / colleagues your time will pass very quickly and you probably wont feel burnt out - even if you might be working the same amount of hours or more in fact.

At your age you have the flexibility and choice to experiment and choose what you want, so go ahead and look elsewhere. not sure what you are saving up for (the 5,500) so it depends on what its for - a trip somewhere, to help with some medical bills, you decide ultimately. But remember - mental health is important too (and often overlooked).

Take care and good luck.

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