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I'm a 27-year-old Malaysian staying in JB and working in Singapore, earning around RM200k annually. However, this salary won't last forever, as I plan to return to Malaysia in 5 years to contribute to my country.

Considering the salary range in Malaysia, I won't be in the T20 category anymore once I return.

While I'm still in this category, I'm just wondering what advantages or privileges T20 individuals have, aside from monetary ones?
@hummelav Why would you use a categorisation of Malaysian wages to classify your Singaporean wage? Only makes sense if you're working remotely. Otherwise it's just a syiok sendiri title.
@micha Because that money is eventually going to be spent/used in Malaysia when he returns, so I think it's very much a warranted comparison.

If that money is being saved in MY banks, then they will use it to determine his credit rating as well.
@vlc Money saved for eventual spending is wealth, not income, and T20 is a measure of income. One of the reasons it's not a great measure, because wealthy retirees for example aren't accounted for (and qualify for plenty of benefits that working adults don't).

And MY banks have this baffling habit of using dollar value for SGD in determining ratings for CC etc.
@micha Umm, okay. My employers pay me SGD but I save in RM. Banks, credit scores, taxes, the whole shebang, is RM.

So you can refer to whatever textbook you want, but from experience, if OP is spending SGD in MYR, then it is MYR.
@micha Because a lot of Malaysian literally lives in Johor and travels to Singapore everyday for work? I mean SG hawker centre are known to be much cheaper than Malaysian food and that’s not just dollar to dollar. If they’re willing to sacrifice I don’t see why this is an issue. This border crossing is one of the busiest in the world for a reason lol…
I'm a 27-year-old Malaysian working in Singapore, earning around RM200k annually. However, this salary won't last forever, as I plan to return to Malaysia in 5 years to contribute to my country.

you didnt mention that youre working remotely from JB at your main text, might wanna update your post, hence the confusion
@hummelav It absolutely reads like you are staying in Singapore so when reading the post I was wondering how much you could save while living there also

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