Accidentally missed renters insurance payment. My policy will most likely get cancelled nad I'm freaking out


New member
I purchased renters insurance back in August and set it to so I would pay one installment at the time of purchasing the policy and pay another installment at the 6 month mark.

I thought I set it up so that the second installment would be automatically deducted from my bank account, but this ended up not being the case. I ended up missing the original payment due date (two weeks ago) and missing the final due date by three days.

I'm freaking out. I've never missed any kind of payment in my life, whether it's a bill or a credit card payment. I just paid the balance but I'm assuming my insurance will still get canceled. I sent an email to my agent. Will this affect my credit score? Will it be impossible for me to get renters insurance in the future? Has anyone been in the same boat?

I feel so stupid. I've been going through a really rough time these past few weeks so I honestly haven't great at checking my mail/email/doing life things. If anyone could give me a tip or words of encouragement, that would be awesome. Thank you!

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