Accident 7/1/22 - I only had liability, the other party's insurance sent me a letter


New member
My Chevy Malibu was totaled, the other vehicle was an F350, and from what I remember, had very little damage - but to be fair I was pretty shaken up and had moderate injuries along with my son having a full-blown panic attack. Other than screaming out the window to the other driver to make sure they were ok (my door had to be pried open), I don't remember much from the moment until I got to the hospital.

I gave my statement on the scene before we left in the ambulance and have not yet seen my car. I had state minimum liability insurance only and figured it was a total loss and probably my fault as all I remember of the accident is that I wasn't speeding, the light was green (or at least I think it was) and then there was a truck and an airbag and lots of pain. There were witnesses though, including the police officer I gave my statement to, but I haven't read the police report either.

I've been concentrating on healing - mostly scrapes and bruises but also a severely sprained ankle. I'm just now getting where I can take deep breaths but they said nothing was broken in my chest. Other than calling to confirm that I can trade my title for the stuff inside my car and making arrangements to do so (scheduled for Monday 7/18) and calling my insurance with the police report number, I haven't done anything.

Today I got a letter from the other party's insurance, which I expected at some point even though my insurance should be dealing with it on my behalf. But the wording is throwing me off.

RE Claim number

Date of loss

Our insured

Dear OP we have recieved notice of your loss. To help with our investigation and evaluation we would like the opportinity to discuss details with you. Please contact us at your earliest convenience.

Why are they talking about my loss rather than their customer's claim? What don't I know? Is this just a strangely worded form letter? Do I need to get a lawyer? What is happening?
@distracted1 Adjuster here: like you said at the bottom the test "your loss" and "their claim" are the same thing, just different wording.

With any claim that want a statement from both side 95% of the time so they're problem just wanting that.

You call and give it or call and tell them to talk to your adjuster for anything
@distracted1 Do you remember the details leading up to the accident? Was it your fault?? Never take responsibility and say your at fault unless you really were. Because now even if they were at fault you just took accountability.
So sorry about the accident! Sucks when your car gets totaled. I just got into an accident on 7/3. My brand new vehicle was totaled as well. Luckily I was not at fault.
Praying for you & a good outcome!
@fred_scott I don't remember anything other than the light being green then there was a truck and an airbag. That's what I put in my statement too. I honestly have no idea.

I hope your situation gets settled sooner rather than later.
@distracted1 Well, if that's all you remember DO NOT SAY YOU ARE AT FAULT. Do you know where the truck was coming from? I'd deff call and get the police report. There could be a huge possibility the truck driver is at fault and his insurance pay for everything. & Honestly since you are injured I'd recommend getting an injury lawyer if you feel there's a slight chance he's at fault. It'll all be a process but it's so worth it.
@fred_scott The accident happened at an intersection, the truck was at the cross street, but they had pulled out of the little shopping center there. I saw them pull out and remember seeing them the same as I remember the light was green. That's mainly why the wording threw me off because it seems that maybe the decision had already been made and they were just wanting to talk to me as a formality. I haven't had a way to get the police report, my car was my only transportation and I have no friends here. My only family here is on vacation out of state for literally the whole month. A friend is driving from out of town tomorrow to take me to get the stuff out of my car and get a new car, I will stop and see if I can get it while we are out. I won't talk to them at all until I've read it and talked to my insurance.
@fred_scott I haven't talked to their insurance and I told my insurance the truth (that I honestly don't know). At the time of the accident, I yelled out my window and asked the other driver if they were ok, but I only know it was a man because the officer told me that *he* was ok because I couldn't hear him answering me and was kinda losing it while the officer was trying to get my door open. Since the witness was an officer, I'm hoping that the city gives their dash cam video (even if it was my fault) and it shows definitively who's fault it was.
@midwifeme From the wording, that's how I read it too. My car was a 2007 and in pretty good shape before the wreck but there is no way it wasn't a complete loss. I wasn't expecting any money -- or for them to be found at fault for that matter (as I said, I honestly don't know) but having medical bills paid would be great, but I wasn't expecting anything at all.

I'm just scared that that isn't what the situation is and that somehow I will be found at fault and owe more than what my coverage was. ($50k liability and something for medical but I don't know without looking). The other driver wasn't injured or at least refused treatment at the scene and the other vehicle was a pretty new F350 so was worth so much more than that, I'm sure. I don't want to do something wrong by calling them back.
@wiseracoon I am going to get a copy of the police report and talk to my insurance before I answer their call if I talk to them at all. I'm kinda glad that I posted here after they left me on hold for 35 mins (I got the letter around 5 pm on Friday).

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