@bluiegurl33 I’m 30. I didn’t graduate college until 28. So I was further behind my peers too.

Honestly I did a few intense interviews with roleplays and presentations and they were time consuming and overall exhausting and I usually made it to the final round and was rejected. I was losing all hope. I honestly took a 5 month break I couldn’t handle the thought of another rejection. My mental health was tanking.

Then I randomly applied to a job on indeed and was asked to an interview then was invited to a second interview/call and they offered me the job. It was super quick and easy and made me realize most companies interview processes are complete bullshit.

I can’t imagine having to go through that again.
@jollylight I thought I was the one posting this! The same thing happened to me this week ! CONGRATULATIONS it’s a big step and you deserve it!!
@jollylight Just stopping by to say congrats.

I remember the first time I COULD pay all my bills and how it felt good - at least not having that knot (you know the one I am talking about) in my stomach trying to juggle late fees and food.

I wish everyone in the world never had to choose between essentials like food, shelter, clothing and heat.

I really appreciate the advice others are giving you about "lifestyle creep" I would not be in this subreddit had I learned more when I was younger.
@jollylight People need to understand that the large, monumental wage increases come from changing jobs. Rarely is the increase within the same organisation commensurate to your skill. They already have you, everybody else needs you.
@jollylight congrats! my unsolicited advice is to blow your first paycheck (or a portion of it). get the shoes. eat at the sushi bar. whatever.

you'll never have this unhindered opportunity again and you'll get plenty more paychecks.
@jollylight You should absolutely treat yourself to something you’ve had your eye on for a while. Not like a new Mercedes, but take advantage of these Black Friday sales. Get yourself that PS5 or new TV or whatever it is that you’ve wanted but talked yourself out of because you didn’t need it.

Congratulations, treat yo self!

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