Someone posted this translation, but deleted it, it's spot on to what i wanted to convey

Here is the English translation for anyone interested:

Why are they raising interest rates when people are taking second jobs or coming out of retirement? It doesn't make sense. It seems like the people making these decisions don't understand the struggles.

Also, how is everyone doing?

Before, I used to spend around $10-15 for each meal when eating alone. I would order takeout 2-4 times a week for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Now, I only order takeout 1-2 times a week, but it's just for dinner.

These calculations don't include my partner, so you can double the cost.

In my opinion, instead of making the repayment period for loans shorter, they should extend it to 4 years. This way, the payments would be more manageable over a longer period of time, rather than putting a burden on society with shorter payment terms.
@tsn What is the context regarding the loans ? 4 years ? If they stretch out the loan terms that it just going to prolong the pain as the amount of interest paid will be significantly more.
@lietuva Not sure, but like a bank loan, isnt paying more in the long run better if it's manageable/payable? Kinda like, why do people go for the 30 years interest repayment rather than 15 years.

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