A woman lost her $823,000 injury claim after lawyers found a photo of her winning a Christmas-tree-throwing competition

@ikerepc A Lady I worked with at an insurance company was at a bar and randomly ran into a guy who we had for a year under a workers' compensation claim. He was out country line dancing, she recorded over an hour of material. He had to end up paying a portion back.
@ikerepc Back in the day, my second job (nights at home) was transcribing for disability insurance private investigators. It was sure an eye opener into to the world of insurance scammers.
@ikerepc Worked in disability insurance. We had someone claim they were unable to walk due to the extreme pain. All signs pointed to fraud. PI followed them on a cruise. Guy was wheeled onto the ship, parked the wheelchair and didn't use it the entire cruise. Was filmed dancing. Lost his settlement.
@alexeykaramazov This is your take?

Not that she would get a million dollars and your premium would go up a few because of it. The big bad insurance company should pay this deadbeat not to work because of how much pain she’s says she’s in - but she can chuck fking Christmas trees, and win a contest doing it no less.

I wish I could understand how people could be so ignorant. I don’t even mean any offense, you just have no idea what you’re talking about. You don’t know what you don’t know.

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