A little PSA on renovating your home

@fengqiwu2011 Speak to people you see in your usual day to day lives like hairdressers, remedial massage therapists etc. They speak to people all day long in their jobs and might have some recommendations for you from their client base.
@squirrel_sa Right, so what's your opinion on someone listed in the Yellow Pages? Or someone who has a website? Are they dodgy too?

I mean what is this nonsense.

There are plenty of tradies who are fully all over using apps, websites, and all kinds of things to find new customers. They're on top of actually calling people back and they aren't shit or dodgy either.

I've found plenty of great people using HiPages and similar services.
@serena23 Good advice. I think the key to a Reno is having one core trade. Someone you can trust and who you have worked with before. This is usually a chippie. I just did a full gut and Reno if a wc and bathroom. I saved around 30% on the quotes we got by managing sourcing most stuff. I got all the way to setting and plastering the ceiling then couldn't find the time to paint the ceilings and architraves. Wife got fed up and found someone online for $1k and organised it. They did the shittest job I have ever seen. Just painted over everything. Used crap paint to. After 10 weeks Reno I was livid. All that work and then stuffed. I did the demo but probably wouldn't do that again.

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